Sunday, November 5, 2017

Checklist to Evaluate Your Brand

To succeed in branding, you must understand the needs and wants of your customers and prospects.

It is achieved by integrating your brand strategies through your company at every point of public contact. Think of branding as the expression of who you are as a company or organization and what you offer. Sound difficult? Think of it like this if a brand could speak it would say:

I am  ________________.

I exist because ________________.

If you relate to who I am and why I exist you might like me, you can buy me, and you can tell others about me. 

As consumers begin to identify with you, your brand will live within the hearts and minds of customers, clients, and prospects. It is the sum total of their experiences and perceptions, some of which you can influence, and some that you cannot. 

Branding can be confusing, so how do you know if your brand is strong enough to give you the internal and external value that you need in your marketing? 

Does your brand relate to your target audience?  Will they instantly "get it" without too much thought?

Does your brand share the uniqueness of what you offer and why it's important?  

Does it reflect the brand promise that you are making to who you are targeting as well as to your internal audience?  

Does your brand reflect the values that you want to represent as a customer?  

Let these questions serve as a guideline in the development of your brand.  If the answers are not clear you may want to return to the drawing board and refine the branding process.  A brand should be an instant "ah-ha" it should require very little thought and contemplation. 

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