Monday, July 31, 2017

A Hybrid Approach to the Sentiment Analysis Problem at the Sentence Level [Problem Statement]



5.1 Are there other paths besides Supervised Machine Learning to address the Sentiment Analysis problem?

If we take a closer look to the SA/OM field and think about classification techniques, the first thing that comes to mind is the utilisation of Machine Learning (ML) approaches. Traditionally, in ML we think of unsupervised, semi-supervised or supervised machine learning algorithms. The latter technique, as we well know, relies heavily on training, which implies counting with the adequate and voluminous annotated datasets. This constitutes a drawback and we would like to avoid, if possible, having to count on prior data for training purposes, as this is not always possible, and we would like to explore a path that does not require such a massive annotation effort.

As a consequence, supervised machine learning does not look like a technique that we would be interested in pursuing. Ideally, in the context of SA/OM, an unsupervised strategy would rather “measure how far a word is inclined towards positive and negative” [224].


Ultimately, the problem of SA/OM is basically a NLP problem with emphasis in finding when a sentence reveals an opinion -as opposed to a fact- and extracting the polarity of the opinion (usually, Positive or Negative). Kanaga [112], in discussing ideas presented by Lotfi Zadeh in [269], says “The semantics of natural languages and information analysis is best handled by the epistemic facet of Fuzzy Logic. In the epistemic facet, natural language is viewed as a system for describing perceptions and an important branch of the same is possibility theory and computational theory of perceptions”. Hence, does it worth to take a new look to Fuzzy Sets / Logic as a potential effective tool in SA/OM? The path that we would like to pursue, will include the utilisation of linguistic semantic rules, lexicon-based approaches and fuzzy sets as fundamental components of a hybrid approach towards SA/OM. Based on the information, references and discussions shown in previous sections, we would like to think that the following concepts could become cornerstone to a potential research direction that would differ from the most commonly followed paths.


1. In Sentiment Analysis the most utilised approach, which accounts as well for most of the research published, is text classification (see figure 8.1) relying heavily on Machine Learning techniques, especially Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Na¨ıve Bayes.


2. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic have been used as well, but to a lesser extent, and the literature about it is less abundant when compared to (1) above.


3. One of the main objections with regard to the use of Fuzzy Logic/Sets in Sentiment Analysis is given by Balahur-Dobrescu [21]: “we can show that while the fuzzy models of emotion perform well for a series of cases that fit the described patterns, they remain weak at the time of acquiring, combining and using new information”. However, we believe that some of the shortness can be minimised by combining together fuzzy methods and some semantic rules and linguistic techniques. See, for example, the progress reported on acquiring new information on Kruse et al [122] (using neuro-fuzzy modelling) and Hullermeier [104] ¨ (applying learning fuzzy rules).


4. With the advent of SentiWordNet [79] and Senticnet [42, 45], the availability of solid sentiment lexicons with incorporated updating capabilities has become a reality.


5. Hatzivassiloglou et al [92, 93] proposed a methodology to predict the semantic orientation of adjectives that could be extended to nouns, adverbs, and verbs. It seems that predicting the semantic orientation of certain parts of speech can greatly help on suggesting the semantic orientation of sentences and documents.


6. Grammatical dependencies may play a significant role in a proper understanding of a sentence. As quoted from [200], “In any sentence, words are arranged in a proper sequence to communicate information. The complete meaning of a sentence is not only determined by the meaning of words, but also by the pattern in which words are arranged”.


7. Supervised machine learning has proven to be a strong classification tool. However, it will depend enormously on the training data and we are attempting to move towards a system that depends less on pre-existing annotated data. We would like to rely more on the richness of fuzzy sets as a modelling apparatus, as well as in semantic rules, syntactic analysis and aggregation techniques (see Chapters 12, 13 and 14).


1. Are lexicon-based methods capable of delivering similar precision to the one provided by Supervised Machine Learning techniques in the determination of polarity subjectivity in Sentiment Analysis?

2. Are fuzzy methods adequate to support subjectivity determination and model polarity in Sentiment Analysis by introducing gradualness (graduality) represented through the application of fuzzy sets? 

3. Are semantic rules a good mechanism for computing semantic orientation in both, words and sentences? Is there going to be synergy among all these elements? Currently, most of research performed has been conducted using Supervised Methods in Machine Learning (mostly SVM, Na¨ıve Bayes and others).



1. Building a sentiment lexicon: the creation of a sentiment lexicon, counting with sentiment-conveying terms (words), part-of-speech tags and polarity scores for each term (see Section 14.1.1).


2. Devise the necessary logic to evaluate the polarity of sentences (by using a sentiment lexicon-based approach): the devising of the algorithms that will produce a classification output using a number of rules and the sentiment lexicon previously defined (see Sections 14.1.2 and


3. Design a process to identify the intensity/graduality of sentences: the generation of a mechanism to identify the intensity/graduality of a given sentence (see Section 14.1.3).



Acquiring and Exploiting Lexical Knowledge for Twitter Sentiment Analysis [Problem Statement]



1.3 Research Problem

We refer to message-level polarity classification as the task of automatically classifying tweets into sentiment categories. This problem has been successfully tackled by representing tweets from a corpus of hand-annotated examples using feature vectors and training classification algorithms on them (Mohammad, Kiritchenko and Zhu, 2013). A popular choice for building the feature space X is the vector space model (Salton, Wong and Yang, 1975), in which all the different words or unigrams found in the corpus are mapped into individual features. Word n-grams, which are consecutive sequences of n words, can also been used analogously. Each tweet is represented as a sparse vector whose active dimensions (dimensions that are different from zero) correspond to the words or n-grams found in the message. The values of each active dimension can be calculated using different weighting schemes, such as binary weights or frequency-based weights with different normalisation schemes.


The message-level sentiment label space Y corresponds to the different sentiment categories that can be expressed in a tweet, e.g., positive, negative, and neutral. Because sentiment is a subjective judgment, the ground-truth sentiment category of a tweet must be determined by a human evaluator, and hence, the manual annotation of tweets into sentiment classes is a timeconsuming and labour-intensive task. We refer to this problem as the label sparsity problem. Because supervised machine learning models are impractical in the absence of labelled tweets, the label sparsity problem imposes practical limitations on using these techniques for classifying the sentiment of tweets.


Crowdsourcing tools such as Amazon Mechanical Turk10 or CrowdFlower11 allow clients to use human intelligence to perform tasks in exchange for a monetary payment set by the client. They have been successfully used for manually labelling tweets into sentiment classes (Nakov, Rosenthal, Kozareva, Stoyanov, Ritter and Wilson, 2013). Nevertheless, a classifier trained from a particular collection of manually annotated tweets will not necessarily perform well on tweets about topics that were not included in the training data or on tweets written in a different period of time. This is because the relation between messages and the corresponding sentiment label can change from one domain to another or over time. We refer to this problem as the sentiment drift problem.


Social media opinions are expressed in different domains such as politics, products, movie reviews, sports, among others. More specifically, opinions are expressed about particular topics, entities or subjects of a certain domain. For example, “Barack Obama” is a specific entity of the domain “politics”. 


The words and expressions that define the sentiment of a text passage are referred to in the literature as opinion words (Liu, 2012). For instance, happy is a positive opinion word and sad is a negative one. As has been studied in (Engström, 2004; Read, 2005) many opinion words are domain-dependent. That means that words or expressions that are considered as positive or negative for a certain domain will not necessarily have the same relevance or orientation in a different context. This situation is clarified in the following examples taken from real posts on Twitter:

1. For me the queue was pretty small and it was only a 20 minute wait I think but was so worth it!!! :D @raynwise
2. Odd spatiality in Stuttgart. Hotel room is so small I can barely turn around but surroundings are inhumanly vast & long under construction.
3. My girlfriend just called me to say good night because she accident (sic) fell asleep without saying it earlier :) #ShesTooCute
4. I got some RAGE over this #Harambe accident. This is why there should be NO zoos.
Here we can see that opinion words small and accident can be used to express opposite sentiment in different contexts. This is a manifestation of the sentiment drift problem, and its main consequence is that a sentiment classifier that was trained on data of a particular domain may not necessarily have the same classification performance for other topics or domains.
Temporal changes in the sentiment pattern are another manifestation of sentiment drift. The relation between messages and their corresponding sentiment label for a particular topic is non-stationary, i.e., it can change over time (Durant and Smith, 2007; Bifet and Frank, 2010; Bifet, Holmes and Pfahringer, 2011; Silva, Gomide, Veloso, Meira and Ferreira, 2011; Calais Guerra, Veloso, Meira Jr and Almeida, 2011; Guerra, Meira and Cardie, 2014). For instance, when an unexpected event associated with the topic occurs suddenly (e.g.,a scandal linked to a public figure), new expressions conveying sentiment
can arise spontaneously, such as #trumpwall and #PrayForParis. Additionally, other existing words or expressions can change their frequency affecting the polarity pattern of the topic. Hence, the accuracy of a sentiment classifier affected by this change would decrease over time.
This problem was empirically studied in (Durant and Smith, 2007) by training sentiment classifiers using training and testing data from different time periods. The results indicated a significant decrease in the classification performance as the time difference between the training and the testing data was increased.
A possible approach to overcome the sentiment drift problem is to constantly update the sentiment classifier with new labelled data (Silva et al., 2011). However, as discussed in (Silva et al., 2011; Calais Guerra et al., 2011; Guerra et al., 2014), the high volume and sparsity of social streams make the continuous acquisition of sentiment labels, even using crowdsourcing tools, infeasible. The label sparsity and sentiment drift problems are connected.
The research problem considered in this thesis is how to derive accurate polarity classifiers for Twitter in label sparsity conditions without relying on the costly process of human annotation.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Powtoon Promo Animation Videos Step-By-Step

Videos have huge impact on how target audience gets engaged with brands, join in social communities or become great brand advocates, you name it. The benefits that videos can bring to businesses are huge and unpredictable. However, producing fantastic videos is tough and requires much time and resources. Even when you have put a lot of efforts into creating awesome videos, it’s not a guarantee that you will get positive results.

Fortunately, using Powtoon, you can create amazing videos in next to no time, which also saves you a great deal of money.

An Introduction to Powtoon

Knowing about Powtoon Services

Powtoon Video Product Demos

Powtoon Quickstart Guide and Essential Steps

Let’s Get Started!

Powtoon Sign-up Process

Getting Familiar with the Dashboard

Mastering Powtoon Cloud Studio - Library

Library Introduction

Text Effects and Image Holders



Markers, Action Buttons and Shapes

Other Cool Things in the Library

Mastering Powtoon Cloud Studio – Menu Bar and Slides

Powtoon Studio Menu Bar

Powtoon Studio Slides

Mastering Powtoon Cloud Studio – Timeline, Object Effects and Sound

Understanding Timeline Bar

The Object Effects

Sounds and Canvas

Create Whiteboard Explainer Video With VideoScribe


Create Whiteboard Explainer Video With VideoScribe

VideoScribe gives you the tools to explain, market and explore your product or service without the need for a design or technical professional. Often called ‘Whiteboard Animation’ or ‘Doodle’ videos, VideoScribe replicates a stop-motion capture style of drawing, giving you the ability to explain concepts, illustrate talks and engage audiences.

Getting started

-The projects window
-Interface overview

Adding images to the canvas
-Adding from the library
-Adding from a local drive
-Adding from a DropBox account
-Adding from a URL
-Moving, resizing and rotating
-Adding non-vector graphics
-Saving your scribe

The timeline
-Re-arranging the running order
-Overall project timing
-Setting the draw time
-Previewing your scribe
-Deleting items, cut, copy and paste

The camera position
-Viewing the angle
-Setting the angle
-Clearing the angle
-Changing the transition time

Image properties
-Exporting out an SVG image
-Replacing images
-Changing the element style
-Rotating and flipping an image
-Changing the drawing colour
-Hexadecimal colour numbers
-Changing colours in images

Text Properties
-Adding text
-Resizing text
-Rotating text
-Editing text
-Changing colour
-Aligning text
-Importing Fonts

Advanced image properties
-Applying filters (blur, glow, shadow etc)
-Changing the hand (image level)
-Changing the hand (project level)
-Changing the paper
-Image quality

Applying advanced effects
-Installing additional hands & pens
-Using the ‘move in’ function
-‘Behind glass’ effect
-‘Morphing’ from one element to another

Adding audio and voice over
-Adding a soundtrack
-Adding/recording a voiceover
-Adjusting the volume

Exporting, creating & publishing
-Produce as PDF
-Export to file for sharing
-Create as a video file
-Publishing your video


How To Get Famous On Instagram


How To Get Famous On Instagram

How To Make An Instagram Profile That People Like To Follow You!

The Power Of Branding Your Profiles

Instagram Bio Tips To Gain Instagram Followers Faster


Hashtag Secrets that many People Don't Know

Instagram Hashtags

Secrets To Get Likes On Instagram


Hacks For Instagram Video Views On Instagram (multiply The Views)

Get many Instagram Comments for Every Photo and Video


Instagram Shoutouts; Get More Instagram Followers From Them

Types Of Instagram Shoutout And How They Work


Set Up Side Accounts To Promote Your Main Profile On Instagram

How To Avoid Your Profiles Getting Deleted

Making 2 Or More Side Profiles The Right Way

What Should You Name The Extra Profiles?

What should be in the bio in the side profiles?

What Content Are The Promotional Side Profiles Going To Post?

Instagram Design Review

When Should The Profiles Post A Picture?

What should the captions of each post be?

How To Amplify Your Side Profiles

Follow Users Tutorial

Photo Search Tutorial

Comment Search Tutorial

Share Photos Tutorial

List Management Tutorial

Finding The Best Users Just For Your Brand

Finding The Best Pictures To Comment And Like

Comment Set Up Secrets To Maximize Comments

Settings Strategy For Side Profiles


LinkedIn Marketing


LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing Basics

Create a ABC system for LinkedIn Marketing

Create a simple LinkedIn marketing plan

Attract Phase of LinkedIn Marketing

Optimize your settings and contact information

What kind of profile photo you should use

What kind of background photo you should use

Tools to design a LinkedIn cover photo

Create a memorable headline

Amazing summary for your LinkedIn

Work experience on LinkedIn profile

Get recommendations, skills and more

Attracting targeted connections

Scale LinkedIn connections

LinkedIn Headline

Build Phase of LinkedIn Marketing

Personal brand

Publish articles and become a thought leader

Build relationships using LinkedIn messaging
Convert Phase of LinkedIn Marketing

Find new business leads using LinkedIn marketing

Export LinkedIn connections

Chrome extensions

LinkedIn company pages

Create LinkedIn sponsored inMail to get leads

SnapChat Marketing


SnapChat Marketing

What Is Snapchat?

Why Snapchat Marketing?

Getting Your Brand On Snapchat

Installing & Signing Up


Using Snapchat | Basic - Advanced Features


Using Zoom In Your Videos

Using Your Own Photos

Improving Your Snaps & Videos


Snapchat Marketing

Introduction To Snapchat Marketing

Let Everyone See Your Stories

Snapchat Memories


Getting Your Initial Following

Be Creative

Use OTHER Social Networks

Place Your Snapcode EVERYWHERE

Things NOT To Do To Gain Followers


Building Fans

Create Amazing Stories

Snapchat's Partner Program

Use Snapchat At LIVE Events

Let Followers SEE Behind The SCENES

Run Contests, Giveaways & Promotions


Measuring Your Snapchat Success

Viewing Statistics


Learning From Other Snapchat Brands / Influencers

News Articles

Follow Marketing Blogs & Pages That Are All About The TRENDS


Integrating Snapchat With Your Website & Social Media

How To Post Your Snapcode To Social Media

How To Post Your Snapcode To Your Website

How To Save Your Snapchat Stories FOREVER & Gain Followers


Complete Facebook Marketing


Complete Facebook Marketing

Every Day, more than 1 BILLION people are active on Facebook. Spending hours and hours browsing on profiles, groups, and Facebook Pages. That is almost one-third of all people on the Internet.

Having one's company and brand on Facebook is the best way to reach millions of new potential customers that will be very interested in the company, products and message. To succeed on Facebook one needs to dominate some simple but critical tools that are available on Facebook.

-How to Reach Hundreds, Thousands or Millions of People on Facebook?

-How to Use the Facebook Pixel and Retargeting in Ads? (Retargeting Is One of the Most Efficient Digital Marketing Tools Used by Large Corporations Like Netflix, Amazon and Google)

-Monetize Them Selling Your Products, Services and Ideas to All Your Followers?

-About Facebook Videos, a Single Strategy That Can Increase at Least Ten Times the Number of Views on the Videos.

-About Facebook for Local Business, the Most Powerful Way to Grow Your Local Business Using Facebook?

-How to Exponentially Increase the Number of Likes on  Pages, Views on Videos, Names and Emails on Autoresponder Sequence and Inspiring the Followers to Take Action and Buy Products or Services?

-How to Define the Target Audience to Ensure That the Ads Are Shown Only to People Who Are Interested in the Products or Business and Avoiding Spending Money With Ads That Do Not Work?

-How to Create Super Optimized Facebook Pages and Groups for  Business or Personal Use?

-How to dominate Facebook Events, the Best Way to Promote Any Event to the Followers?

-Best Way to Engage Your Followers and Sell on Facebook?

-How to Create Powerful Instagram Ads?

-How to Create Powerful Video Landing Pages to Start Collecting the Followers "Name & Email" and How to Integrate It With Facebook to Boost the Results!

First Steps on Your Facebook Marketing

Facebook Sales Funnel: This Is How You Will Monetize.

How Much to Invest on Facebook Ads?


Facebook Pages Domination

Creating a Stunning Facebook Page for Business

Discovering the BEST Keywords for Facebook Page

Creating an Optimized Facebook Page Description with Relevant Keywords

Optimizing Facebook Page Information

Creating a Professional Facebook Page Cover Image

Facebook Apps Links

Facebook Page Apps That will Increase Traffic

The ONLY WAY to Guarantee Facebook Fans see ALL Posts

Using the Facebook Call-to-Action Button

How to Change the Name of Facebook Page

Create your "Facebook Page"


Facebook Groups Domination

What's the Difference between Facebook Page & Facebook Groups

Creating a super Optimized Facebook Group

Editing Facebook Group Settings

Managing your Facebook Group

Top 6 Ways to Monetize your Facebook Groups

Create "Facebook Group"


Facebook Live!

What's Facebook Live and WHY using it every day?

Starting a Facebook Live

Planning Facebook Live Streaming

Talking to Audience

The Best Call to Action on Facebook Live

Facebook Live Session

3 Way to Reuse your Facebook Live Session for Your Marketing

Starting a "Facebook Live Session"


Facebook Ads: Defining Target Audience

Knowing the Facebook Ads Manager

Setting Up Payment account for Facebook Ads

Defining Target Audience

Using all the Power of Facebook Insights to know the Target Audience

Defining Facebook Target Audience


Facebook Ads: Creating the First Ad

Creating the Ad Post

Boosting Facebook Post

How Much to Invest on Facebook Ads?

Tips to have the Ad Approved by Facebook

Analyzing the Results of Facebook Ad

Creating the First Facebook Ad!


Facebook Ads: Which Ad is Better for Your Business?

Choosing the Marketing Objective - Awareness

Choosing the Marketing Objective - Consideration

Choosing Your Marketing Objective - Conversion


Facebook Ads: RETARGETING!

Understanding the Facebook Pixel

Creating a Facebook Pixel

Installing the Facebook Pixel on Website

Checking if the Pixel is working and capturing information

Creating a Target Audience with Facebook Pixel

Creating the Optimized Ad using Facebook Pixel

Using Retargeting in Facebook Ads


Facebook Ads: For Local Business

How can Facebook Ads Local Businesses?

This is the Plan Local Businesses

Reaching People around the Business

Creating Local Business Facebook Ad

Creating Facebook Ad Image For Local Business

Facebook Ads for Local Business


Facebook Video Ads

Creating a Powerful Facebook Video Ad


Instagram Ads

Linking your Facebook and  Instagram Accounts

Creating the First Instagram Ad

Important Tips to have a successful Ad on Instagram

Create an Instagram Ad!


Facebook Video

How to multiply the Reach of  Facebook Posts with Videos

Facebook Video


Facebook Landing Page: The Best Way to Collect Customer's Name and Email

Adding the Sign Up button to Facebook Page

Signing for Autoresponder service

Preparing a Free Gift

Signing for Landing Page

Creating the Video for Landing Page

Getting the Landing Page Links

Finishing the Sign Up Button on Facebook

Facebook Landing Page Domination!


Facebook Events

Why considering Facebook for Promoting Event?

Promoting Event with Facebook

Using Facebook Ads to Reach more People!

Creating a Stunning Facebook Event Cover Image

Facebook Events


Secrets that will BOOST  Facebook Organic Reach


Facebook Tips and Tricks

How to Reach thousand People with a little cost?

How to Spy on Competitors on Facebook?

How to Reach ALL Followers on Facebook?

How to Download All Facebook Data to Computer

How to Download Any videos from Facebook

Getting Unlimited Royalty Free Images to use on Facebook

Using Facebook Videos on Website

Facebook Tips and Tricks


How to Choose the Best Image for Business?

Reviewing and Optimizing Facebook Page Description

Facebook Retargeting


Facebook Retargeting

Every time that you are looking for a product online, and you decide not to buy, suddenly you start seeing Ads for that product all over the internet. Did that ever happen to you?

Retargeting (or Remarketing) is one of the most efficient digital marketing tools used by large corporations like Netflix, Amazon, and Google, and today this technology is available to you.


How do you implement Retargeting in your Facebook Marketing? And how can you optimize it to skyrocket your results and save money?
How can you define your Target Audience to make sure that your Facebook Ad is shown ONLY to people that have a real interest in your products and services? To people that are looking for your products right now!

What are the things you need to do and the things you need to avoid?

Not using Retargeting on your Facebook Ads will cause you to lose money, lose potential customers and to spend time with no result.

A good Facebook Retargeting campaign will give you outstanding results, engaging your audience, increasing your sales and revenue, and inspiring your followers to take action and buy your products or services.

You will learn how to create two different retargeting strategies for cold and warm traffic to guarantee that you have the best results.

You will also learn, how to install the Facebook Pixel code on your website and your landing pages, how to create professional landing pages to start collecting your customer’s name and email and all that using Free tools.

You will learn, how to create the perfect Target Audience using Facebook Pixel, and how to do Advance Audience creation, combining data from more than one Pixel to ensure that you are targeting only people that will buy your products and services.

You will learn how to track actions or “events” that your customers perform on your website using that in your Facebook Marketing.

Why You Need to Start Using Retargeting NOW!

Creating Your Facebook Pixel

Installing the Facebook Pixel on Your Website

Installing the Pixel on a WordPress Website

Installing the Pixel on a non-WordPress Website

Installing the Facebook Pixel on your Website.

Testing Your Facebook Pixel

Checking if Your Facebook Pixel is Working

Strategies for Hot and Cold Traffic

Strategies for Hot/Warm and Cold Traffic

Dominating the Facebook Pixel Audience Creation

Creating Your First Audience With Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel - Advance Audience Creation

"Your Audience is Too Small" Message

Creating your Audience with the Facebook Pixel

Creating your Optimized Facebook Ad with Retargeting

Creating Your Optimized Facebook Ad with the Pixel

Create your Optimized Facebook Ad with the Pixel

Landing Page with Facebook Pixel

Creating a Free MailerLite Account

Understanding the MailerLite Dashboard

Creating a Landing Page

Creating a Thank You Page

Adding Your Facebook Pixel to the Landing Page

Creating Your Audience with The Landing Page Pixel

Create a Landing Page with the Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel Events

Understanding the Facebook Pixel Events

Adding the Event Code in Your Facebook Pixel

Adding the Event Code to Your Landing Pages

Adding the Event Code to your WordPress Website

Creating an Audience Using Facebook Events

Next Steps for Facebook Pixel Audiences

Adding the Facebook Events Code to your Pixel

Facebook Pixel Dashboard & Statistics

Exploring The Facebook Pixel Dashboard & Stats

Getting Royalty Free Images to Use on Your Facebook Ads

Top Websites to Download Unlimited Royalty Free Images

Bonus - Optimizing Your Facebook Page

Creating a Facebook Page for Your Business

Adding Essential Information to Your Facebook Page

Creating a Professional Cover Image for Your Facebook Page

Free Keyword Research Tools for Facebook

Finding the Best Keywords for Your Business Facebook Page

Creating an Optimized Facebook Page Description

Getting Your Facebook Page Username & URL

Defining Your Facebook Page Target Audience

Optimizing Your Facebook Page


Social Media Marketing 2017


Social Media Marketing 2017

TAKE ACTION! Lock Up Social Media Handles!

Social Media Marketing

Why is Social Media Marketing Important?

What Content Should I Share on Social Media?

Social Media Management Tools: How to Cut Posting Time in Half!

AUTOMATION HACK - If This Then That!

What are the Optimal Social Media Image Sizes?


Facebook Profile VS. Facebook Page

How to Create and Optimize a Facebook Page

Top 5 SEO Tips for your Facebook Page

How to Change your Facebook Page Category

Keywords 101

How to Use Keywords in your Facebook Page Description

What Makes your Facebook Page Awesome?

Marketing 101

How to Create a Paid Facebook Ad

Step 1 Facebook Ads - Campaign Marketing Objectives

Step 2 Facebook Ads - AD SET - Facebook Ad Targeting

4 Elements of the Perfect Facebook Ad

Facebook Pixel 101

Creating an Audience on Facebook

Standard Events or Custom Conversions on Facebook?

Continue Learning Facebook Paid Advertising


Why Instagram and How to Get Started!

LAUNCH a New Instagram Account - 2017

Follow Top Influencers!

Optimize your Instagram Bio & Profile Image

ASSIGNMENT - Instagram Setup Help!

TOP 10 Things to Post on Instagram and When to Post!

Instagram Captions & Hashtags 101

Reposting Instagram Content

How to Increase your Instagram Followers & Exposure

Top 5 Ways to Convert Instagram Followers to Sales & Leads

Sponsored Posts - Pay & Get Paid for Instagram Posts

Create Instagram Ads via Facebook!

Mercedes Instagram Sponsored Ad Case Study

Instagram Analytics

TAKE ACTION with Instagram!


The Twitter Basics & Optimizing your Twitter

What to Tweet & How to Interact on Twitter

Twitter Hashtags & Trends

How to Grow your Twitter Following!

Setting up a Twitter Ads Account & Types of Twitter Ads

Twitter Audience Manager & How to Install Universal Tag

Twitter Conversion Tracking & Remarketing

Twitter Ads - Tweet Engagements

Twitter Ads - Video Views

Twitter Ads - Clicks & Conversions - 2016 Twitter Interface

Twitter Ads - App Installs & App Engagement - 2016 Twitter Interface

Twitter Ads - Followers

Twitter Ads - Leads

The Pinned Tweet Hack

Twitter Reporting & Analytics

Twitter Tools


Pinterest 101

Buyable Pins & Rich Pins

Setting up a Pinterest Business Account & Types of Pinterest Ads

Pinterest Conversion Tracking

Pinterest Ads - Create Amazing Pins for Promoted Pins

Pinterest Ads - How to Create Promoted Pins (2016)

Pinterest Ads - How to Create Promoted Pins (2017)

Pinterest Audiences

Pinterest Analytics

Google+ and Google My Business

Build and Optimize your Google Business Account

How to Get Google Business Reviews

Google+ Profile Posts Create DOFOLLOW Backlinks!


Build and Optimize your YouTube Account

Optimize your YouTube Videos

9 Steps for YouTube SEO & YouTube Channel Mastery

Paid YouTube Video Ads via Google Adwords

SEO & YouTube - Repuposing Content

YouTube Reports & Analytics


Optimize your LinkedIn Profile for Sales

LinkedIn Groups

Create your LinkedIn Business Page

LinkedIn Ads


Snapchat Marketing

Landing Pages, Web 2.0 and Blogging

Landing Pages 101 + Growing Your Email List

Web 2.0 Blogs & Backlinks

Search Engine Optimization Fundamentals for Blogging

Posts and Web 2.0 Domain Name Ideas - Long Tail Keywords!


Instagram Marketing: Zero to 10,000 Followers


Instagram Marketing: Zero to 10,000 Real Followers

Instagram is a powerful and fun social tool that allows you to market your business to hundreds of new customers everyday! There are over 200 million Instagram users, and learning simple strategies to gain targeted followers can significantly increase your businesses revenue.

Instagram is a small time investment for a huge customer return!

Once you spend a couple of hours learning the powerful Instagram marketing techniques in this course, it will pay off with reaching thousands of new customers, and building a strong trustworthy relationship with them. Instagram will skyrocket your brand awareness to a level beyond your expectations.

When making a purchasing decision, people online use your social media presence as a measure of the quality, and trustworthiness of your business. Nothing speaks trust and quality louder than having a thousands of targeted, real, and loving Instagram followers on your profile (of which you can contact at any time!)

You will learn how to create a powerful Instagram profile for your business designed to effectively appeal your target customer.

You'll then learn, using the incredible Instagram promotional strategies, how to gain hundreds of followers, comments and likes for your business account every single day.

By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you effectively build a strong community of Instagram followers, convert them to email addresses, and finally sell them your products and services.

You'll also receive practice activities, live demonstrations, and helpful resources to guide you through the entire process. From setting up your Instagram account, gathering a strong relevant following, to increasing the profit of your business.

This Instagram course is suitable for businesses who have less than 10,000 Instagram followers
This course is probably not for you if you’re looking to learn super advanced strategies.

A Complete Introduction to Instagram Marketing

Instagram Marketing Introduction & Welcome

The 5 Simple Systems to Get the Best Instagram Results + BONUS Content Download

Getting Started - Establishing Your Instagram Account

Your Instagram Starter Mission!

Learn and Win: Rewards for  Highest Performing Students

Instagram Marketing Module

Setting Up Your Optimized Power Account on Instagram

Introduction to Module 2 of Instagram Marketing

Choosing the Perfect Instagram Handle / Username

Choosing the Right Instagram Name

Perfecting your Instagram Display Picture

Optimizing Your Instagram Bio

Perfect Your Bio!

Creating your Instagram Account Call-to-Action (CTA)

Setting up your Instagram Power Account

Creating the Ultimate Instagram Content Game Plan

Introduction to Module 3 of Instagram Marketing

Photo Licensing and Image Ownership

What to post on Instagram (Theme and Purpose)

The Best Times to Post on Instagram?

How to Post Media on Instagram

Increasing your Image and Video Exposure

Creating the Ultimate Instagram Content Game Plan Quiz

Creating the Ultimate Instagram Marketing Game Plan

Introduction to Module 4 of Instagram Marketing

Identifying and Locating your Target Audience on Instagram

Promotional Strategy Spectrum: Sprint Vs Marathon

Successfully Promoting your Instagram Account Outside of Instagram

Connecting with your target Audience using Hashtags

Promoting your Instagram Business to Your Target Audience

Birds Eye Overview of the Instagram Promotional Funnel

Split Testing your Promotional Funnels to Increase Followers

Growing your Instagram Account by Leveraging your followers

Creating the Ultimate Instagram Marketing Game Plan

Creating Business & Making Money from Your Instagram Account

Introduction to Module 5 of Instagram Marketing

Instagram Mindsets: Building Trustworthy Long Term Relationships

Instagram Process for Converting Followers to Customers

CTA 1: Converting Followers to Website Visitors

CTA 2: Converting Website Visitors to Email Addresses

CTA 3: Converting Emails, and Instagram Followers to Sales

How to make thousands of dollars from your Emails

Creating Business from Your Instagram Followers

The Top 5 Apps, Tricks, and Strategies for increasing your results

Introduction to Module 6 of Instagram Marketing

Instagram App, Trick, and Strategy 1: Instant Social Proof

Instagram App, Trick, and Strategy 2: Connect to your audience 800% faster

Instagram App, Trick, and Strategy 3: Using your Location to promote

Instagram App, Trick, and Strategy 4: Creating unique content

Instagram App, Trick, and Strategy 5: Statistics and Analysis

Top 5 Apps, Tricks and Strategies to Increase your Instagram Results


Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing


Facebook Ads & Facebook Marketing

Learn How to Get $0.01 Likes and Clicks that Lead to Sales!

Basics of Facebook Ads

Begin with the End in Mind

How to Create a Sales Funnel on Facebook - CREATE YOUR OWN NOW!


Facebook Profile VS. Facebook Page

How to Create and Optimize a Facebook Page

Top 5 SEO Tips for your Facebook Page

How to Change a Facebook Page Category

Why Keyword Research is CRUCIAL!

How to Use Keywords in your Facebook Page Description

What Makes your Facebook Page Awesome?

How to Install Facebook Apps + Best Facebook Page Apps


Marketing 101 - 3 Elements of Succesful Ads

Create your FIRST Facebook Ad

Step 1 Facebook Ads - CAMPAIGN: Marketing Objectives

4 Elements of the Perfect Facebook Ad

Step 2 Facebook Ads - AD SET: Facebook Ad Targeting

Facebook Ads: Bidding, Budgets & Schedules

A/B Split Testing 101

WATCH Video: Create a Post Engagement Ad with A/B SPLIT TESTING

Split Testing in Facebook: CONVERSION ADS

Split Test Images with Carousel Ads

List of Cheapest Countries for Facebook Ad Clicks

CHEAP Facebook Page Likes HACK

STEAL Competitors Fans = Brand Awareness + Reach + Page Likes


What is the Facebook Pixel + How to Install the Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixels: What do you want to track?

Did you install the Facebook Pixel in 2015 or before? HOW TO CONVERT TO THE NEW!

Create an Audience for Facebook Ads

The BEST Lookalike Audience HACK

Standard Events or Custom Conversions?

WATCH VIDEO: Create and Install Conversions

Types of Facebook Ads - IN DEPTH ANALYSIS

Lead Generation Ads

Use the Facebook Pixel for Remarketing/Retargeting Ads

Dynamic Ads - GREAT for Ecommerce!


Local Business Ads on Facebook (Brick & Mortar Businesses)

Ads in Facebook Messenger

Facebook Offers and Offer Ads


Facebook Engagement


Posting Calendar - Planning is Your Key to Success


What is a Relevance Score + How to Increase It

2016 UPDATE to Facebook Ads Manager - Reporting Integrated


Learn the Power of Facebook Insights

Audience Insights

Audience Optimization in Facebook Posts

Social Media Marketing

Why is Social Media Marketing Important?

What Content Should I Share?

Social Media Management Tools: How to Cut Posting Time in Half

Want to learn more about Social Media Marketing?


Friday, July 7, 2017

Quantitative Methods for Health Research: A Practical Interactive Guide to Epidemiology and Statistics 0470022744.pdf

Quantitative Methods for Health Research: A Practical Interactive Guide to Epidemiology and Statistics 0470022744.pdf

rapidshare social epidemiology

Rapidshare social epidemiology

Following the takedown of similar service Megaupload in 2012, RapidShare changed its business model to deter the use of its services for distribution of files to large numbers of anonymous users and to focus on personal subscription-only cloud-based file storage. Its popularity fell sharply as a result and, by the end of March 2015, RapidShare ceased to operate.

RapidShare was an online file hosting service that opened in 2002. In 2009, it was among the Internet's 20 most visited websites and claimed to have 10 petabytes of files uploaded by users with the ability to handle up to three million users simultaneously.

pattern design and grading

pattern design and grading

click here to watch video playlist