Natural Language Processing has seen a tremendous boost in popularity following the widespread use of the World Wide Web, and emergence of machine learning tools.
The specific problem of sentiment analysis has become a popular topic with the availability of user generated content, from micro-blogs and the likes.
But these data dependent problems have seen a larger jump in popularity in the international field, compared to low-resource languages, due to the availability of language specific data.
This thesis seeks to delve into the problem of sentiment analysis research within some of these low-resource languages, specifically those of mainland Scandinavia, which are closely related languages.
We perform a literature review to uncover popular research topics within this language specific field, and seek to find practical and theoretical work as well as resources within this field.
Furthermore we perform experiments adapting international tools for these low-resource languages, and compare our results to that of the research, in order to further contribute to the language specific research field
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